Puri Matahari Apartment - Surabaya


Puri Matahari Apartment - Surabaya

Puri Matahari is an apartment located on Jl. Mayjen HR Muhammad No. 181, Surabaya.
It is an upscale apartment that fulfills the needs of a place to live as well as the lifestyle of the owners. Has a strategic location on one of the main roads in Surabaya.
Developed and managed by PT Candi 2000 Realtindo.

Building an architectural masterpiece on the skilled hands of Brennan Beer Gorman.

Taste the grand architectural right from the very first step you walk in, from the grand lobby  and the living space are remarkably luxurious. Superior qualities of the fixtures that are meticulously selected to represent the sophisticated taste of Puri Matahari.
Source. Purimatahari.com

Foto September 1, 2021
